Paul, reading the info folder provided by Carpe Diem. He is such a very good influence on me.

Exit Carpe Diem, turn right, walk for thirty seconds, and you will find yourself here.

Welcome to Commercial Street!

Ross' Grill. Yum. Paul is looking out at the Atlantic in this pic. Apparently I make a better door than I do a window.

A Showgirls diva being carried off stage by hunks after singing "They call me...". FUN!

You know I'm going to have a bookstore shot or two. Please support your Indies, people!

April showers bring May flowers - our private patio at Carpe Diem

Whale Watching on the Portuguese Princess

This guy came up out of nowhere!

Whale Tail. We saw 30-40 whales that day. Can't wait to get the video!

Wine Hour at Carpe Diem. I could get used to this.

Pool party around the corner from Carpe Diem!

Ocean View Lunch at Lobster Pot

New Friends Robin and Jennifer from North Carolina : )

Town Hall

Iris sighting on our daily stroll

The Mews. 285 vodkas from 32 countries = martinis & foodie chat with Michael

And midnight walks and boats

Biking to Race Point Beach along Cape Cod National Seashore

Almost there...

Picnic and a nap at Race Point Beach

Whale watching boat in the distance

Scallops Alfredo and a Gimlet for me at Napi's

Provincetown Public Library in the process of being restored - what a beautiful building!

My Dream Studio

East Coast Americana


Little orange boat surrounded by blue...Kit, this pic was taken for you...

We didn't climb Pilgrim Monument there in the distance, but we definitely will next time!

Goodbye, Beautiful Provincetown...

May you always remain both funky and sweet!
LOVE the pic with “Imagine” written on the road. The whole trip looks amazing, but I can’t imagine what it would be like to actually see a whale. It’s on the bucket list, lol.
Imagine is my favorite song of all time. Every few minutes, more lyrics appeared in chalk on the bike path. It gave me the biggest smile!
This was our first time whale watching and I will never forget it. Had no idea these magnificent creatures would come so close to the boat. Chills.
There was a marine biologist on board, pointing out the different whales (and sharks) and answering questions. The day before, over 100 dolphins were seen!
I have been fortunate enough to spend many a day with dolphins (twenty years in CA) but nothing prepared me for the whales.
Also, a videographer captured it all. For 22 bucks, we will soon have a video of the actual whales we observed.
My camera did the experience no justice – I suggest not bringing one and just enjoying the miracle, if you are lucky enough to see them. And please, let me know when you do see them!
1. I heard Imagine relatively recently for the first time in a while and when I heard it, it hit me so profoundly. The simplicity, the genius, the beauty — its now my favorite song ever as well, and I have never been able to pin that question down before haha.
2. The fact that you came across more lyrics is awesome.
3. Again, amazing, lol.
4. It is interesting how you mention not bringing the camera, because since mine has broken, I have felt so much freer to really observe and take in what is present (whether it be a bird, a painting, a view, etc.), where before I was obsessed with capturing the moment and it really took away from experiencing the actual moment in that moment. I am hoping to invest in a professional camera soon because I do want to finally pick up photography as a hobby, but I hope I will be able to have the best of both worlds if I can discipline myself, lol.
Wonderful pictures and beautiful images…. and I’d agree about leaving the camera and just being in the experience. Seems like you have had wonderful weather, too. Much love,
The weather really was perfect. It was high season weather without the crowds : ) Hitting restaurant week was a bonus as well. When my camera battery died I was actually relieved, because I felt like I didn’t have to try to get that “perfect shot”!
Thank you for including us. It is fun when you travel so far and find friends you can keep! Hope to share some more wine and chats with you guys soon. I have to pour my own wine at home 🙂
There was so much going on with the National Seashore and the Whale Watching and Commercial Street, etc. that I forgot to take many people shots, so I am glad I at least got some cute ones of you : )
I just read about your neck of the woods in our 1,000 Places to See Before You Die book and can see why you have chosen to settle in there – sounds truly lovely! Now, for the Airstream. I’m still workin’ it…
Still so so happy we talked with you that morning about your whale watching experience, as it inspired us to put it on the day’s agenda. That afternoon was phenomenal for both of us – we will never forget it.
Love it. We were just talking about P-town with Holly and Vali on Sunday (at the Rockies game!).
I have a photo of that red building you titled “Indeed” on my bulletin board in my office.
I think we went on the Portuguese Princess to whale-watch, as well!
So cool that you have a photo of that same building in your office…guess I am not too surprised, though : ) Great use of ad space if you ask me!
There were so many whales that day – we were amazed and grateful. We are both waiting eagerly for our video to arrive, as the videographer really seemed to know what he was doing and be just as into it as we were.
I just went on the website, which is a great teaser http://www.whalewatch.com . Normally we don’t buy too much touristy stuff but this is something we will truly enjoy for years to come!
simply amazing. you are truly living my dream life. you are doing awesome on the photos, writing about each place you visit. your style of writing makes me feel like i’m on this journey with you. thanks for including us on your adventures v, it’s been so much fun…like postcards from the edge. cheers to you!
Funny you should mention Postcards From the Edge as I recently stayed up all night reading Wishful Drinking by Carrie Fisher. [Not so] guilty pleasures! A writer must read, after all…I’m going to see if the library has Postcards as I have never read/seen it!
Missing your bloggins, my friend. You had us spoiled there for a long time with your weekly updates (durn full time jobs). Seriously, though…happy you found a great job and hope things are settling down a bit – I know you will keep us all posted.
your photo journal makes me want to go there! i especially love the pool party. lmao! thanks so much for sharing. i too felt like i was on this trip with you. keep it up lady and next time, pack me in your luggage with you!
I almost invited myself but everyone there was so skinny. I would have felt a bit out of place (ha). As for you, I am pretty sure I could fit your cute little self into my luggage, so it is a deal. XOX
We went whale watching this week. Saw a harbor seal, a porpoise, and a fluke of some creature. That’s it. We spent most of the trip looking at one of the spotters, who was desperately cute.
That’s the thing about whale watching, you never know what your going to get. We tried not to get too excited but we spoke to peeps who saw over 100 dolphins and 70 whales the day before we went, so we knew the odds were good. Funny we didn’t see one dolphin, though! Just being out on the water does it for me – I can’t stray too far from the ocean. Are you still in Ogunquit? Hope you are loving every minute of it!
I spent 20 years at the cape and never fell out of love with it, although the summer crowds were a different story !!! Your writing of your experiences has made me book my trip to the Cape this August. I will see you there. Keep writing about all your discoveries and travels; you always manage to discover the treats of any location. Now you and Paul need to do a weekend on the Vineyard (Menemsha is the most peaceful and lovely, but Vineyard Haven or Edgartown have the most going on) and write about that !
The Vineyard is coming soon ; )Can’t wait to catch up with you and Kevin!
How is it possible that you two can be having so much fun and taking so many fantastic photographs at the same time? Fun always gets in the way of my pictures and I forget to take them, so I just have to take pictures with my heart, which doesn’t really help anybody out. Thanks for posting them – I like knowing where you are and what you are seeing!
Emily – you should see me with my camera. I always have it with me. If something catches my eye, I point and click. I typically am carrying something or walking a dog, etc. so when a pic turns out (what I hope)to be blog worthy, I am ecstatic! One can definitely lose the moment with camera in hand, so you may just be ahead of the game after all. XOX
Okay, so now I see what all the fuss is about! Your journal just bumped the cape right up near the top of my list of “must sees.” Hopefully later this summer? I REALLY want to do the bike ride (and nap on the beach!) I am listening to “Imagine” right this moment 🙂 Thank you so much for the great post!
Anytime, Jen…and thank YOU so much for reading! See you soon, I hope…here, there, anywhere!
WOW ~ It all looks so amazing. There’s something about being close to the water that breathes a different life into me. I am afraid I will remain land locked for a bit yet to come – so I will enjoy receiving each and everyone of your updates.
We missed you last night .. Bear Mtn women catching “Sex in the City 2” It was a hoot.
I miss the mountains but feel lost without the ocean…alas. Oh, I bet you ladies had a blast…will never forget seeing the first one with the Bear Mountain crowd. And I do mean NEVER! I forgot the movie but not the great time we had : )
Looks like you’re having a fine spring there. We sort of went from winter to summer with not much in between.
So I hear on Fb. We had an awesome thunder storm here this morning – love those long low rumbles, then CRACK! Milo, however, is not a fan…
I love your life! What a beautiful way to spend a career! Kisses to both you and Paul! Miss you!
You too, Lisa! It is good to see you here in blogsville – hoping to see you live and in person soon, as well. Next time you comment, be sure to add your web addy so people can click on it if they want to : )
Love the dream studio! And Milo, he is adorable.
LOVE peeking into the studios featured in Where Women Create, don’t you? I plan of having one of my own one day…on wheels : )