You will always be larger than life to me.
Please click on the image below if you would like to attend the Memorial Service.
You will always be larger than life to me.
Please click on the image below if you would like to attend the Memorial Service.
Paul is listening to the cricket match (Derbyshire v Gloucestershire) while I read my favorite blogs. On Sundays, I also like to read the paper (typically the New York Times) in my PJ’s, catch up on correspondence, and maybe watch a movie with Paul and Milo, my two main squeezes.
I imagine you enjoy blogs (seeing as how you are reading this one). There is a blog that I discovered a couple of months ago and absolutely love. I love it so much that I have decided to add it to my INSPIRATION links to the right of this post.
The blog is www.bluebirdnotes.blogspot.com and there just happens to be a giveaway going on this weekend…so be sure to stop by and see for yourself how very wonderful said blog is. And enter to win something practical and pretty!
Next week, I am heading to Cambridge to hang out with Cosmo (see adorable pic below). We bonded a couple of weekends ago and I am especially looking forward to hanging out with her at the local dog park…and wandering around Harvard Square.
The homeowners here on the Bay will most likely be around in May which means that Paul will be joining me for at least part of the time – FUN! I know he will love Cambridge. Have you been to Cambridge? If so, let us know your favorite spot(s)…I will post pics : )
Speaking of pics, I am a bit behind on some stuff. It has been a great spring so far! We were able to spend another weekend in NYC – here are some highlights…
Our friend Mary has the voice of an angel. She is angelic all around, come to think of it. If you aren’t familiar with this Colorado band, please find out more about them at www.DakotaBlonde.com.
We love this band and were so excited to see Dakota Blonde at their first official NYC gig at the Metropolitan Room! Mary, is the compilation CD out yet?!?
We also got to catch up with our sweet friend Casey, who just happened to be visiting friends in NYC that weekend. Love you, Casey!
Even got to meet some of Caseys besties while we were there. BTW, Noah and Alexis are newlyweds. Congrats, you two!
Here you see Paul and Carolyn, pondering our next adventure…Baba Ghanoush at Shalel – YUM!
We packed a lot into that weekend – above are just some of the highlights. What was that? You want to see just a little more? Well, OK. If you insist.
How about I tell you a bit more about Carolyn. Actually, I will show you. Carolyn does stuff like this…
She goes out for the paper or whatever and comes back with cupcakes from Magnolia Bakery. Hostess/Mostess!
Her sister is equally wonderful – it just happens that she had a cold that weekend so we didn’t get to see her much. Next time, Amy! And thanks, Andy for joining us – it was so fun getting to know you better!
We found a new bookstore to add to our “favorites”. There were Italian language lessons being taught in the back room. It boasted a nice vibe all around and I found lots of travel books there that I had never heard of. Books by writers about other (travel) writers, even. Simply. Fun.
This one’s for you, Rach. And Em. And me. Double handled polka dotted mugs. That is, indeed, what I am talking about. OK, just one more FISHS EDDY pic…
Laura, this one is for you. And me. This is what my kitchen would look like if I actually had one. I try to travel light (like a good vagabond) but I do have a distinct weakness for dishware…
Found this statue of Ghandi just outside the farmers’ market in Union Square…have I mentioned how much I love New York City?
OK, I guess I have shared enough for one Sunday. Please share your Sunday with us. And if you have been to Cambridge we would love to know about your favorite haunts. The same goes for NYC. And the Cape. You know we love hearing from you…
What a great morning. My new friend Joyce and I met in S. Yarmouth at the Cape Cod Cultural Center for this mornings “Breakfast With the Authors” event, presented by the Cape Cod Writers’ Center (brilliant idea, Joyce). She commented on my blog a while back, won a prize, and come to find out we have much in common and are practically neighbors – fun!
Today’s event featured three authors who were there to discuss their most recent books. Three different writers with three very different books – yet I enjoyed each talk immensely and can’t wait to find out more about them. Which book to start with, is the question…
Elizabeth Moisan wrote this historical fiction based on the lives of the pirate Sam Bellamy and his witchy woman, Mariah. The story takes place out on the Atlantic as well as on the Cape. Ms. Moisan focused her talk mainly on the book and on pirates in general. Did you know that pirates did not coin the term “Arrgghh”? Me neither! And isn’t it interesting the way pirates throughout history have been glamorized? I mean, they are criminals, after all. Is it strange that I was completely fascinated by the fact that she handed me an antique-like map (that she created herself) of Cape Cod along with a copy of her book? I love it and am sticking it on my bulletin board. Find out more about Elizabeth Moisan at www.quillsandbrushes.com.
Up next: Gordon Mathieson. To be honest, I was thinking I would listen to what this man had to say with the intention of reporting back to Paul as biological weaponry isn’t really my thing. However after hearing him speak I realize there is much more to the story than that. Still, I am going to start with another book of his, The Hyannis House. What can I say, I am a bit of a chicken. Anyway, this man is very interesting – he shared a lot about himself and how he came to be a writer and I have a strong sense that I wasn’t the only one in the crowd that drew inspiration. Find out more about Gordon Mathieson at www.GordonMathieson.com.
Speaking of strong senses, Bethanne Elion has had out-of-body experiences since she was three. What captivated me was her telling of the years of suffering she experienced while trying to stifle her psychic abilities. How many of us have done this to ourselves; regardless of the ability we possess? I shudder to think. Like most, I love a good success story. I love that she is now honoring her third eye and helping animals and people in the process. Oh, and after perusing her blog, I discovered that she loves essential oils and has a background in skin care…cool! Find out more about Bethanne Elion at www.bethanneelion.com.
Happy weekend, everyone. And happy reading!
It is Earth Day and I am feeling good. The Bay sparkles. The doors and windows are open wide. The clothes are drying in the ocean breeze. And the gardens are coming to life. We are blessed.
I am happy about something else, as well. This morning, I woke up feeling a bit melancholy over my little business, Mountain Girl Organics. Earth Days past involved Evergreen celebrations that included local poets, musicians, artisans, and MGO prizes (of course).
This year, my little business is up for sale and the products have all but dwindled from the shelves. Recently, interest was expressed from a potential buyer who lives out of state and has never tried MGO products before. So, Laurie agreed to make a few bars of soap for her.
It is pretty much just as easy to do a large batch as it is to do a small one, so I asked Jeanie at Mountain Man Fruit & Nut Co. in downtown Evergreen if she would be interested in ordering a few more bars. Her inventory is all but depleted and she said absolutely.
So, while I am excited to be heading in this new direction in life, I am also very pleased to see that my bar soaps will once again be available at Mountain Man during this time of transition.
The bars will take a few weeks to cure, and not all scents will be available, but they will be on the shelves in time for the busy market season. I am a bit surprised to feel such relief over this!
But what is the correlation between bar soaps and Earth Day, you ask?
My bar soaps are more natural than most. They are created with organic, sustainable, and fairly traded ingredients…no need for chemical preservatives. They use very little packaging (which has been recycled and is recyclable). Lightweight and easy to ship as well. No leaky messes. I could go on and on…
Your turn. Are you doing something special in honor of Earth Day? Do you make your own natural products? Or maybe you have tips for us, on how to live simply so that others may simply live? If so, do tell!
Our Facebook Fan Page states the following:
“This page is for those interested in home and/or pet sitting…as well as travel, writing, living simply, and working from home or the road. Exchange ideas with like-minded people here & on our blog”.
Because you are reading this post, there is a good chance that you are interested in at least one of the above. If so, will you tell me which one interests you most? If not, will you tell me why you are reading this blog (i.e. we are friends and this is the best way for you to keep in touch with us, etc.)?
I am asking this for clarification purposes. I want to be sure to cater to our target demographic and all of that good stuff. I am beginning to interview others that I think will educate and/or inspire you. It looks like I will be taking online courses on blogging and travel writing (starting in May) as well.
We have a lot of ideas, but we want to hear yours. Really! What is it that inspires you? Rapport is the beauty of the blog, after all. The exchanging and implementing of ideas…I thrive on it.